Independent Review of the Royal St Helena Police

An independent team of policing experts is conducting a review of the Royal St Helena Police (RSHP) from Monday 16 to Friday 20 September 2024. Led by the FCDO Policing Advisor, Andrew Munday, who has spent the past week on Ascension reviewing RSHP activities there, the FCDO-funded review aims to assess the progress made since the previous inspection in 2020.

The review will assess how the Royal St Helena Police is delivering performance, effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy as it discharges its responsibilities to protect the public on St Helena and Ascension.  The independent assessment will also help to increase public trust and confidence in the RSHP.

Key Areas of Focus:

  • Implementation of the Police and Crime Plan
  • Progress against the RSHP Five-Year Development Plan
  • Organisational structure and performance framework
  • Policies and practices governing the use of force by police officers
  • Detention and custody procedures
  • Investigations, witness and victim care/support
  • Neighbourhood and community policing, public engagement and communication
  • Community Involvement

In addition to speaking to police officers and staff, the review team will be meeting with agencies and individuals who work with the police within the criminal justice system, including all members of the Police and Crime Panel. 

The review team is also keen to seek the views of the community and will be available between 15:30 and 17:30 on Tuesday 17 September at the Mantis Hotel to speak to anyone who would like to meet with them. Members of the community are invited to attend and share their experiences and perspectives. Alternatively, the inspection team can be contacted at Police Headquarters by telephone on 22626.

The findings of the review will be presented to HE Governor Nigel Phillips in November 2024, and will inform the development of an action plan to further enhance policing services on St Helena.  Details of this plan will be released once it has been finalised.

#StHelena #RSHP #PoliceandCrimePanel #PoliceReview

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