20 April 2020
The following is a Public Announcement from the Children & Adults Social Care Directorate:
On Tuesday 31 March 2020, St Helena Government (SHG) announced enhanced Social Distancing measures for the Island. One of these measures included seeking prior permission to visit Care facilities.
These enhanced Social Distancing measures were lifted on 14 April 2020. However, in light of the ongoing seasonal cold and flu across the Island, and noting the vulnerability of the residents and tenants in these Care facilities a decision has been taken for the restrictions in Care settings to remain.
Restrictions to visitors will continue for a further four-week period at: the Community Care Centre, Cape Villa, Ebony View, Deasons Centre and designated bungalows at Piccolo Hill.
While St Helena is still in the ‘Prevent’ stage of Coronavirus Preparedness and there is no legal requirement or blanket ban on visits to Care facilities, the extended restriction is deemed important for residents and tenants at this time.
The Children & Adults Social Care Directorate requests that the following guidelines are followed when wishing to visit residents and tenants:
- Contact the Service Manager to discuss and agree the day, time, duration and purpose of the visit
- Do not visit if you or members of your household are unwell, particularly with cold and flu-like symptoms
- Follow local procedures at the Care facility including hand cleansing, and good hygiene practice
- Ask yourself if your visit is essential and keep numbers to a minimum to avoid overcrowding.
Designated managers will advise of communal areas where visits are discouraged. Managers will also agree the duration of the visit and advise if it is safe to do so at the requested time.
The following are the lead contacts when requesting a visit:
Care Centre – Rosalie Brown
Cape Villa & Deasons Centre – Gilly Brooks
View – Deborah Baldwin
Piccolo Hill – Nicole Hercules.
For queries regarding Day Care, please contact Nicky Adams on tel: 25327.
Restricted visits to Care facilities will continue until Friday, 17 May 2020, at which time it will be reviewed.
Director of Children & Adults Social Care, Tracey Poole-Nandy, would like to take this opportunity to thank all managers and staff for their continued hard work, and commitment to providing a safe service for residents and tenants during these challenging times. Thanks are also extended to the general public, families and friends for their understanding and cooperation until such time when we can resume normal visiting and social arrangements.
20 April 2020