1 April 2020
The monthly meetings of the Environment & Natural Resources Committee (ENRC) and the Highways Authority (HA) took place on Thursday, 19 March 2020.
The locations of the five road safety mirrors recently acquired by the Roads Section were discussed. Members felt that the areas identified by the Roads Section were practical and other areas will be considered when funding becomes available to procure additional mirrors.
The Roads Manager stated he would like to restore the signs on Ladder Hill Road which indicate passing bays. These signs were greatly appreciated by motorists as they enabled them to identify passing bays easily. The Roads Manager was given approval to undertake this work.
A review of the current Roads Policy has been undertaken with additional information such as access to public roads from private premises and other informative changes which will assist with planning decisions and allow individuals to access information for guidance when a contractor or home owner wishes to construct an access road. Also included in the Policy was access for emergency vehicles during planned or emergency road closures. The criteria for funding through the Community and District Roads Programme was amended to make it mandatory for individuals with mobility issues, irrespective of age, to be certified by a Medical Officer.
The Chief Environmental Officer presented supporting documents for the Plant Propagation Policy, which will assist with the collection, propagation and distribution of endemic/native plants. A request was approved to waiver the first application and licence fee for the Saint Helena National Trust for their patience and as a goodwill gesture in recognition of the significant delays in getting this process in place.
A further request was approved for the Diana’s Peak Grass – carex dianae – to be included in Annex 3 of the Policy pending DNA results to determine if we have three different distinct species or sub-species on-Island.
A member of the technical team gave an update regarding progress being made at the Comprehensive Development Area at Bottom Woods. Excavation works have been undertaken on Phase 1 of the Project and the team is now marking the alignment of the access road and demarcating the plots to be made available for Government Landlord Housing and also plots that will be made available to the public.
1 April 2020