30 July 2020
A number of Projects which will be the strategic focus of the Economic Development Investment Programme (EDIP) over the next two years (2020/21 – 2021/22) have recently been approved by Executive Council.
These Projects are:
- Rupert’s Development
- Rehabilitation of Field Road and Side Path Road
- Water Security
- Increased Agricultural Production
- Jamestown Development
- Sustainable Sewerage Facility.
This approval does not guarantee release of funding but it ensures that the Projects proposed are aligned with the Island’s wider strategic goals and the resources aligned accordingly.
The EDIP team is busy developing designs and relevant costings which will inform the detailed business cases that will determine the most operationally and cost effective option for implementing the Projects. The individual business cases will also be subject to political approval before the Projects move into the implementation phase.
In addition to the main EDIP Projects, Executive Council has also agreed a number of smaller Micro Projects, which can be implemented relatively quickly with a low total cost and which are not subject to detailed business cases. The Micro Projects budget is intended to support Projects that may not have easily quantifiable benefits but do directly support strategic economic development goals or have the potential to improve future infrastructure investments.
The Micro Projects for 2020/21 include:
- Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
- Longwood Walkway
- Covered way at St Paul’s Primary School
- Refurbishment of public toilets at Longwood and Levelwood
- Covered way over the emergency entrance at the General Hospital.
As these Micro Projects have already received political approval to proceed, the necessary designs are being prepared with development permissions being sought. It is envisaged that procurement of contractors will commence within the next two months for the remainder of these Projects.
The Judicial Relocation Phase 1 Project, approved in December 2019, is currently in the construction phase and it is expected that procurement of a contractor for the Phase 2 works will commence in September 2020.
The public will be aware through separate announcements that that Rockfall Protection Project, which commenced in January 2020, was completed earlier this month.
30 July 2020