Draft Water Resource Strategy Public Consultation – Revised Dates for Public Meetings

The public is reminded that the draft Water Resource Strategy is currently out for public consultation. Revised dates and venues for the remaining Public Meetings to discuss the Strategy are as follows:

27 July 20207pmJamestown Community Centre
29 July 20207.30pmKingshurst Community Centre

These meetings are being led by members of the Environment & Natural Resources Committee and the Water Strategy Working Group which includes members of St Helena Government (SHG), Connect Saint Helena Ltd, and a public representative.

If you cannot attend a meeting but would still like to respond to this consultation feedback can also be provided electronically via: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/DraftWaterConsultation or submitted to Chief Economist, Nicole Shamier, on tel: 22470 or via email: nicole.shamier@sainthelena.gov.sh.

A copy of the draft Water Resource Strategy is available online at: https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/government/public-consultation/ and in hard copy at the Public Library, Jamestown.

22 July 2020

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470
Email: communications@sainthelena.gov.sh