28 August 2020
Message from the St Helena Police Service
The sixth week of our ‘Booze It, You Lose It’ Drink-Drive Awareness Campaign was quite a busy one for the St Helena Police Service.
In total, four vehicles came to Police attention. One vehicle was identified as not being insured, this matter is being investigated.
Another vehicle was seen committing a moving traffic offence and had a vehicle defect, resulting in a verbal warning.
A minor road traffic collision occurred which resulted in a person being taken to hospital. This person was later arrested for driving whilst over the prescribed limit, however this matter is still under investigation.
A further road traffic collision was reported, resulting in a person being arrested and charged for failing to stop and driving whilst over the prescribed limit. They will appear before the Magistrate’s Court in due course.
Although Police have observed members of the public using the public transport buses as well as local taxi services, there are still those who choose to drive intoxicated, as evidenced by this weekly update. The purpose of this campaign is to make people aware of the dangers of drink-driving, however some people are still continuing to put themselves and the community at risk.
It is disappointing that drivers are not responsible enough to make the decision to not drink and drive. The lives that are affected by drink-driving is real and the consequences can be avoided if you simply choose not to drink and drive.
Some inaccurate comments made about drink driving are:
“If I drive slowly, then I’m okay”
“It wasn’t my fault, somebody crashed into me”
“It’s not as bad as stealing or hurting somebody”.
This mentality needs to change! Drink-driving is not okay!
Don’t let us lose a life because of your poor decisions. Until next week, help us to keep you safe – don’t drink and drive!
#StHelena #StHelenaPolice #BoozeItYouLoseIt #DrinkDriveCampaign
28 August 2020