26 February 2019
To continuously improve the service provided to the public, St Helena Police carry out firearms training from time to time to ensure Officers are competent in using them if needed.
As part of this, a firearms training exercise for trainee firearms officers was recently carried out at the Police Training Room, Ladder Hill.
The training focused on giving the officers practice at containing a building and moving to the point of containment.
The training was provided to the trainee officers by a highly qualified and experienced trainer, Chief Firearms Instructor Mark Coombe. Safety Officers were present to prevent any accidental movement of people into the training area.
Chief Firearms Instructor Mark Coombe commented:
“This exercise was a significant part of our ongoing training programme to build competency among our trainee firearms officers.
“Before commencing the training, St Helena Police completed a risk assessment to ensure there was no physical risk to the public. To minimise concern to the public, training was carried out at the rear of the training room and during school and normal working hours. The officers were facing seaward during the containment exercise and the firearms used in the exercise were not loaded.”
St Helena Police will continue to undertake similar training programmes and ensure there is no risk to the general public when doing so.
#StHelena #StHelenaPolice #FirearmsTraining
26 February 2019