28 March 2019
The monthly meetings of the Environment and Natural Resources Committee and the Highways Authority took place on Thursday, 21 March 2019.
The Roads Inspector gave an update on the Community and District Roads Grant. Recipients of funds under the Grant, who are still undertaking works to their roads, are reminded that all invoices must be submitted to the ENRD Administration Office at Essex House before the end of March 2019.
It was noted that documentation is still required from Halcrow, the Project Management Unit (PMU) for the Haul Road, before this road can be adopted by SHG as part of the road network.
The Head of Property informed the Committee that a lease was prepared for Creative St Helena for the use of the lower section of the Duke of Edinburgh playground. The lease will permit the area to be reused as a playground. He also confirmed that a draft lease between SHG and the St Helena National Trust (SHNT) on the future use of High Knoll Fort was being finalised.
The Director reported that the Explosive Regulations, intended to make legislative provisions for the import, storage, transport and use of explosives, should be tabled to the Committee within the next few months.
The Anaerobic Digester Project is progressing well and we now await the report from the Consultant. During the Consultant’s visit he held a workshop with potential users and interested parties to inform participants of what anaerobic digestion is, discuss its benefits and viability, and also look at various digester systems that are used to utilise the technology.
Other projects of notable interest are the Composting Programme currently being undertaken by the SHNT at the Millennium Forest and the Marine Plastic Recycling Project funded through the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in collaboration with St Helena’s Active Participation in Enterprise (SHAPE) and the SHNT.
Amongst the issues discussed was a request for speed limit signs and road safety barriers across the Island. The Highways Authority would like to remind all drivers that the maximum speed to operate a vehicle on the Island’s roads is 30 miles per hour in the case of a motor car, a quadricycle, or a motorcycle; or 20 miles per hour for any other vehicle or as designated by road speed signage. Excess speeding of vehicles is not going unnoticed and all drivers are asked to adhere to the designated speed limits. All road users are reminded to use roads with due care and attention.
#StHelena #ENRC #HighwaysAuthority #MeetingSummary
28 March 2019