Access to the Jamestown Wharf

The following is a public announcement from Port Control:

Port Control would like to advise the public of the following procedures when clearing/collecting goods from the Jamestown Wharf.

Procedure for pedestrians entering the Wharf

All pedestrians entering the Wharf area must do so via the footbridge that leads over the moat. Pedestrians will then need to walk across the front of the Customs Building and onto the Wharf, keeping to the right-hand side and within the safety barriers.

Once persons have cleared their goods, they must walk back past the front of the Customs Building and across the footbridge leading to the main road adjacent to the main Wharf entrance.

Collecting goods from the Wharf with a vehicle

No vehicles will be allowed beyond the barrier until the goods, which persons intend to collect, have been cleared with HM Customs and persons are in possession of a receipt to prove that payment has been made. Only then will vehicles be granted permission to enter the Wharf.

Persons may enter the Wharf on foot, using the pedestrian route (mentioned above).

Port Security Staff reserves the right to ask the driver/occupants of the vehicle of their intentions for visiting the Wharf, including if they are to collect goods from Richard James International, Saint Trading, Zedcore or the Freight Terminal, before granting permission to enter the Wharf.

Vehicles will be given permission to drop off/pick up equipment etc at the lower landing steps subject to cargo/passenger operations.

Please note: any abuse will not be tolerated towards staff members of Port Control or HM Customs.

The public is thanked for their cooperation and understanding.

14 August 2019

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470