22 October 2019
Over the past week, St Helena has been experiencing hot sunny weather conditions with no rainfall. This, along with little surface flows and increased consumption rates, mean that the stored water volume across all Island reservoirs has decreased and is currently at 40%.
Connect continues to pump water from Chubb’s Spring and Hutt’s Gate to Red Hill as well as from Bore Hole 5 to replenish stocks in this area. However, Connect has recently experienced issues with their pumping system in the Chubb’s Spring area which has resulted in less water pumped into the Scott’s Mill reservoir. Two graphs showing the 2018 and 2019 surface and borehole flow comparisons is shown below:
The weather forecast for St Helena over the next few days suggest continued warm weather with little to no rain showers.
The public is reminded that we are currently under an Island-wide hosepipe ban. If you see anyone using water irresponsibly or notice a burst pipe or leak, then please inform Connect immediately.
Every drop counts, every action counts – save water now to be safe later
#StHelena #WaterShortage #EveryDropCounts
St Helena Resilience Forum
22 October 2019