PAS Students receive Statement of Results

Students and former students of Prince Andrew School (PAS) received their much anticipated GCSE and A-Level exam results today, Friday 23 August 2019.

Their official Statement of Results was issued to them in a short presentation held in the PAS hall. In attendance were parents, teachers, the Director of Education & Employment, Chairman of the Education Committee and representatives from the St Helena Community College, Solomon & Company (St Helena) Plc and Corporate Human Resources.

Head Teacher of PAS, Penelope Bowers, said:

“We are very pleased with our students’ results, and hope that they are too.  Many of them have put in a lot of hard work towards their exams, and as a result their efforts have paid off. I would like to add my congratulations to all our students today. I would like to say a big thank you to my staff for their hard work and perseverance and their support to our students, as well as our parents without whom our students would not get this far. In all, it has been a good day, and as a school we look forward to building on our students’ success in years to come.”

Following the presentations, students were given the opportunity to speak with staff from the St Helena Community College, Solomon & Company (St Helena) Plc and Corporate Human Resources about the Apprenticeship Scheme, and the Acting Exam Officer regarding possible exam resits or remarks. Others were also able to discuss with teachers about returning to Sixth Form.

#StHelena #PrinceAndrewSchool #Students #ResultsDay #Education&Employment

23 August 2018

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