5 November 2019
The deadline for submission of nominations for the 2019 Bye-Election to fill the vacant seat on Legislative Council is at noon on Wednesday, 13 November 2019.
Remember, anyone can stand for election if they are 21 years of age or over and are on the Register of Electors published in an Extraordinary St Helena Government Gazette on 18 October 2019.
Nomination forms can be obtained from the Castle Reception, Customer Services Centre and the Public Library in Jamestown or from Returning Officer, Carol George, or Assistant Returning Officers, Gillian Francis or Anita Legg, at the Castle. Forms can also be downloaded from the SHG website.
Candidates should ensure that they have included all of the following when submitting their Nomination:
- Full name and signature of the Candidate
- Full names and signatures of two Sponsors witnessed by the Returning Officer, an Assistant Returning Officer, or a Justice of the Peace
- Full names and signatures of five Supporters witnessed by anyone on the Register of Electors dated 18 October 2019
As there is only one vacant seat on Legislative Council, Sponsors and Supporters can only sponsor or support one candidate.
Completed Nomination Forms should be submitted to the Returning Officer, Carol George, at the Castle by no later than the above deadline. Any nomination forms submitted after noon on 13 November cannot be accepted.
If more than one valid Nomination is received St Helena will go to the Polls.
Polling Day has been set for Wednesday, 27 November 2019.
#StHelena #LegislativeCouncil #ByeElection #Nominations
5 November 2019