25 July 2019
Executive Council met yesterday to consider and advise whether the proposed Phase One of the Year One programme for the DFID funded Economic Development Investment Programme (EDIP) be approved.
Projects which form Phase One of the Year One programme are:
Setting aside a budget for ‘micro-projects.’ Micro-projects are projects that have a low cost (£50Kor less) and can be implemented quickly. Projects that will be funded with this budget will directly support strategic economic development goals and have a broad public benefit.
SHG ICT Infrastructure
Acquisition of new storage servers. Additional storage capacity and more efficient operations will result in improved operations and facilitate provision of additional IT services, including services to schools which receive ICT support from SHG.
Programme support services
One foundational aspect of the EDIP is acquiring the technical services necessary to enable St Helena Government to plan and manage the EDIP and other future capital investment.
It was recognised that, although small, the Phase One projects are the first steps of a larger portfolio of projects. More substantive works are expected to progress during the second half of this financial year in Phases Two and Three which will positively impact the private sector. Significant planning and preparation has gone into this first phase of the EDIP, which will set the tone for the remaining programme.
In considering the proposal Members acknowledged the commitment and hard work of the Senior Economist and Capital Programme Manager in developing both the Year One programme and the comprehensive business cases which support it.
Executive Council was pleased to approve the proposed Phase One of the Year One programme for the Economic Development Investment Programme.
24 July 2019