ExCo Report – Tuesday 17 September 2019

Executive Council met today, Tuesday 17 September 2019, to discuss one item on the Open Agenda. A number of people sat in the public gallery for this item.

Executive Council sitting as the Planning Authority approves Outline Development Permission with conditions to build a new prison and custody building on the land in Bottom Woods as recommended by the Land Development Control Authority (LDCA)

The proposed Prison development is to provide a new prison centred around 26-single occupancy cells, in a single storey block configured in a cross shape, together with associated rooms to provide: education, rehabilitation, training, medical room, sports, healthcare, worship, kitchen, recycling, storage, visiting, administration works, horticulture and security.

The site will take up 10% of the area in Bottom Woods with the enclosed built development taking up 5.5% or 5.20 acres.

Outline Development Permission approves in principle the proposed development subject to a number of conditions. Following a presentation by the Chief Planning Officer, Executive Council was content to approve Outline Development Permission with the following amendments made to the conditions:

  • Condition 1 – Taking into account the size of the development, the timeframe for Outline Permission to lapse and cease is extended from one year to two years
  • Condition 2E which states that a Conservation Management Plan for the Important Wirebird Area is developed with an appropriate level of funding for a period of at least five years post construction of the development be subject to review at the detailed planning stage to take account of the fact that any funding allocation will be considered during the annual planning and budgeting process.

Members noted that the existing Prison and Police Custody Suite located in Jamestown is not fit for purpose as identified following visits and advice from the FCO Prison Adviser. The current conditions and facilities at the Prison are substandard and the need for a new prison is undeniable and long overdue.

Council was satisfied that the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which identified what mitigations need to be taken to reduce environmental impact during both the construction and operations process of development, was adequately undertaken and that potential impacts, for both the construction and operations phases, have been properly assessed and should be translated into planning conditions as part of the process for full development permission.

Council was keen to understand if the Chief Planning Officer was absolutely satisfied with the issues raised in the one representation received during the public consultation on the revised EIA on the development application. The Chief Planning Officer advised Members that the representation received did not raise any planning or environmental issues but rather challenged past processes and officer assessment related to the proposed development application and the reports. Members were therefore assured by the Chief Planning Officer that the representation received had been properly dealt with and the application submitted was valid. Further details on the proposed Prison development and background to the project will be provided in a separate press release.

Clarity was asked for on the proposed design and Council was advised that the technical issues raised, including addressing treatment of sewage, will be included in the detailed application for full development permission which will come before ExCo for approval in due course.


17 September 2019

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