16 April 2019
Since September 2018, individuals from the Community Service (CS) team have been working with the St Helena National Trust (SHNT) assisting them on a number of projects across the Island.
The first project saw the CS team commence work at High Knoll Fort with SHNT supervisors from the Heritage Team on Saturday mornings. This involved the CS team preparing the High Knoll Fort area for future restoration work to be completed. The team hopes to remain involved with this work in the future.
More recently, the CS team has commenced work at the Millennium Forest (see photos attached). The Probation Team completed a site visit on Wednesday, 20 March 2019, and were shown around the Forest area by Millennium Forest Supervisor, Chrissy Clingham.
Chrissy commented on the CS team’s work:
“Yes, they have worked really well, helping with jobs including weeding, burying fish for future compost, collecting ginger and fixing the fences. They have also helped to make sure the nursery is tidy for all our visitors. Overall, this helps us to continue to enhance and protect the Millennium Forest, particularly the endemic plants like the Gumwood.
“The team has also done invasive plant control along the roadside near the Millennium Forest towards the Airport. This reduces the potential for the road to act as a corridor for spreading unwanted weeds.”
Community Service is a Court Order which the Probation Team has responsibility for, it acts as both punishment for offending and as a rehabilitative measure. Individuals give something back to the community by completing hours of unpaid work during their own time. To date, 568 hours of work have been completed by the CS team for the SHNT.
The Probation Team would like to express their gratitude to the St Helena National Trust for allowing those subject to Community Service Orders to complete their hours working on unique and meaningful projects that contribute to the overall improvement of the Island’s historical and natural environments.
#CommunityService #StHelenaProbationTeam #StHelenaNationalTrust #Partnerships #Projects #GivingBack
16 April 2019