20 February 2018
St Helena is being represented by Councillor Tony Green and SHG UK Representative, Kedell Worboys MBE, at a week of EU-related meetings, currently taking place in Brussels until Friday, 23 February 2018.
Today, Councillor Green and Kedell will be attending the Trilateral meeting which will discuss progress on the 10th and 11th European Development Funding (EDF) programmes. Financial Secretary & Territorial Authorising Officer, Dax Richards, will join this meeting via Skype.
Tomorrow, Wednesday 21 February, there will be an ‘Oceans’ event – which will discuss a Global Agenda for oceans, ocean strategies, sustainable blue growth initiatives and potential for blue growth. This will be followed by a panel Q&A session. In the afternoon there will be the EDF 11th Thematic Workshop. Councillor Green and Kedell will attend both these events.
The OCTA Ministerial Meeting will take place on Thursday, 22 February. The day’s agenda will consist of the Annual Report, Treasurers Report, presentation and key discussions of the report on post-2020, EDF 10 Thematic Report, EDF 11 programming, regional programmes, presentation, adoption and signing of political declaration and administrative resolutions.
Councillor Green will depart Brussels on Thursday to return to St Helena, while Kedell will remain in Brussels to attend the OCTA Ministerial and the annual EU-OCT Forum, taking place on Friday, 23 February 2018.
#StHelena #16thMinisterialConference #OCTA #Brussels
20 February 2018