15 May 2018
The St Helena Sea Rescue Service carried out a Search & Rescue night exercise on Wednesday, 9 May 2018, approximately three nautical miles north of Rupert’s Bay (see photos attached).
Crews were split into two teams – one team played the role of a vessel in distress with a simulated casualty on-board while the other team responded to the call after receiving minimal information from the distressed vessel.
Navigation equipment such as RADAR and RDF (Radio Direction Finder) were used to locate the vessel. Once the vessel was found, the responding team did the necessary risk assessments and carried out casualty care and procedures to bring the vessel and crew back to safety. Other simulated emergencies were also added to the exercise for the teams to execute.
Deputy Sea Rescue Manager, Craig Scipio, said:
“This exercise was beneficial to all who took part. It continues to highlight the challenges and risks that rescue personnel would have to endure when dealing with incidents at sea in various conditions.”
#StHelena #SeaRescue #NightExercise
15 May 2018