The following is a public announcement on the closure of Rupert’s Wharf and Jetty:

 For safety reasons, the public is advised that with effect from today, Thursday 25 October 2018, Rupert’s Wharf and Jetty will be closed to the public until further notice.

 During one of their regular surveys, the Rock Guards observed a large rock near Rupert’s Wharf which requires a controlled removal. This rock poses no immediate risk and will therefore be removed once the MV Helena has departed.

 There will be authorised access only to the Wharf and Jetty during the closure.

The public is also advised that the footpath between Munden’s and Rupert’s will be closed for the duration of this closure.

The public is thanked for their cooperation and will be kept updated.

25 October 2018

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470