30 October 2018
There were some very nervous faces from students as the Initial Police Training, seven-week course, commenced on Monday, 22 October 2018.

One of the many aspects of being a good Police Officer is the ability to communicate. With this in mind, one of the first tasks for the students was to interview each other and present their findings back to the class.
It was very interesting to learn about each student, having come from a variety of backgrounds. Some have previous medical knowledge, electronic experience, and even an understanding of vehicle mechanics.
Once they were feeling a little more settled, students were asked to explain what they thought the role of a Police Officer was. Obvious answers were given such as – arresting people, stopping fights, detecting crime, keeping the peace etc. – however, the one’s people sometimes tend to forget is supporting the community and helping the vulnerable and less fortunate in society.
We explored the concept of Policing with the consent of the community and what that meant to them. They now represent the community and are here to serve them.
The students explored how Police make decisions. They looked at the National Decision Model to help them rationalize their thought process. The class had a go at using the model, which caused some raised eyebrows, as sometimes there is no wrong or right answer and it is about justification.

There was a very interesting discussion regarding Human Rights and how important it is that, as Police Officers, they could potentially breach someone’s human rights and the implications associated with this.
The students partake in a ‘question & answer’ session each morning, where they are asked questions on the previous day’s lessons.
One of the course Tutors, Learning & Development Sergeant, Mark Coombe, said:
“Students have all been issued uniforms and are starting to look like Police Officers. During the first week we covered topics ranging from ‘what is the role of a Police Constable?’ to learning about powers of arrest. The students are working hard as they begin to adapt to life in public office and the realisation of the responsibility that the office of Constable brings.”
#StHelena #StHelenaPolice #InitialPoliceTraining #WeekOne
30 October 2018