24 October 2018
The monthly meetings of the Environment & Natural Resources Committee (ENRC) and the Highways Authority took place on Thursday, 18 October 2018.
The statutory size for car parks was raised as a member felt that some car parks in Jamestown were oversized and members agreed to downsize these parks which could create additional parks.
Several issues that were raised at the Blue Hill Constituency meeting were discussed including the erosion of the nearside bank in the Cason’s and French’s Gut areas, the cleaning of Manhole’s along the roads in Blue Hill and the ever increasing issue of road maintenance. A request for a light to be erected at the newly constructed bus shelter at Head O’ Wain was approved.
The Roads Manager gave an overview of the works to be carried out on the retaining wall on Side Path Road. Members agreed that the Road should remain closed during the period approved to enable this work to be completed safely. It was noted that cruise ships would be arriving on Sunday, 28 October and Monday, 5 November 2018 and this closure would affect the movement of traffic, however it was deemed that due to the safety risk, which could not be mitigated, the road should remain closed during this time. A diversion route for these two days, to ensure a smooth flow of traffic, will be via Constitution Road, as a way out of Jamestown, returning to Jamestown via Ladder Hill Road only. This was approved and the Tourist Office informed.
Two new staff members who recently arrived on Island to take up postings within the Directorate were introduced to members. Mr Joachim Naulaerts is supporting the Marine Section through the Blue Belt Programme – evaluating the sustainability of the Grouper fishery. Joachim will be carrying out a study to understand the status, growth, reproductive biology, movement and habitat of the Grouper which will help to inform plans to ensure long-term sustainability of the Grouper population. Joachim would be interested to hear from anyone who fishes for Grouper from the coastline. If you are able to help Joachim, please contact the Environment & Natural Resources Directorate (ENRD) on tel: 22270.
Dr Ralf Bublitz will be on island for a period of two years as part of a Darwin Plus Project. Ralf will be supporting the Marine Section in gaining knowledge of St Helena’s Lobster population. The project will assist in providing knowledge of key commercial lobster species ecology and will review existing data, legislation and current management practices with recommendations to ensure long-term sustainability of the Lobster populations.
The draft Building Regulations were discussed and it was noted that following a public consultation period, ten responses from the public and stakeholders had been received. Most comments/suggestions were incorporated within the amendments to the draft and approved by both the Land Development Control Authority and the ENRC.
The Committee gave their approval for Government Landlord House (GLH) designs and gave the go ahead for the procurement process for construction to be actioned. This will fast track the construction of GLH where there are now approximately 80 names on the waiting list.
Rob Midwinter and Merrill Joshua from Enterprise St Helena gave an update on the Main Street Phase 2 Project which is a continuation of the paving programme in conjunction with ENRD. This project will continue to enhance this area of Jamestown.
#StHelena #ENRC #HighwaysAuthority #MeetingSummary
24 October 2018