26 June 2018
The Education Committee met on Wednesday, 20 June 2018, to discuss the following items on the Open Agenda:
The draft Scholarship Policy was presented and the Committee approved the draft policy and appendices. The Committee endorsed the planned role of the Scholarship Trust and the development of final policy documents to support the establishment of the Trust. Members agreed that the Policy should only be implemented once all the necessary documents, including the Trust, were in place.
The Special Educational Needs (SEN) Policy was also presented to the Committee and approved. It was noted that further work will continue in this area to develop supporting documents and guidance for Inclusion. This policy meets the milestones of the Strategic Plan.
Proposed changes to the Apprenticeship Scheme were discussed and noted by the Committee. The proposed changes aimed to strengthen capacity by improving the efficiency in which the scheme is structured and administered.
Members of the Education Committee were asked to note information in respect of key milestones for cable funding, SEN Policy, and Key Training Deliverables for Education.
The Training Plan for St Helena Connected outlined an extensive list of courses to be offered by the St Helena Community College to help prepare St Helena for the increased connectivity and associated economic opportunities that the submarine cable project is expected to bring.
Members of the Education Committee were also asked to note the proposed implementation of the D6 School Communicator – a stand-alone application designed to simplify school-parent communication – in the Island’s schools as an initiative to engage parents through technology.
#StHelena #EducationCommittee
26 June 2018