5 April 2017
The public is advised that posters outlining the steps that need to be taken in order to get registered and take part in the General Election 2017 have now been published in various outlets around the Island.
Applications are invited for names to be added and amendments to be made to the Register of Electors. Whilst this is an annual process, members of the public are reminded that this year’s Register will be used for the General Election in July 2017.
The A3-sized posters provide details such as the criteria to be eligible, deadlines for applications and who applications must be sent to. It also lists the names of all Assistant Registration Officers in each district.
The posters are on display in a range of shops Island-wide and also in places of public interest including the Public Library and Bank of St Helena. Application forms to get on the Register are available with the posters or alternatively can be obtained from Assistant Registration Officers.
The Provisional Register of Electors will be issued on Monday, 8 May 2017. This will be followed by a 14 day period during which applications can be made to make final amendments to the Register before it is published to come into effect on 1 July 2017.
The public is advised that a Bill will go to formal Legislative Council in May to amend the Elections legislation to allow 17 year olds to add their names to the Register thus enabling them to vote in the General Election. Further publicity will be given nearer the time.
The current Register dated 1 July 2016 is available for inspection at the Office of the Registration Officer in the Castle, the Customer Service Centre, the Public Library, ANRD Offices at Scotland, all rural sub-Post Offices, and on the SHG website. Copies are also held by Assistant Registration Officers and the Administrator’s Office on Ascension Island.
Remember, if your name is not on the Register of Electors you will not be able to stand or vote in the upcoming General Election.
#StHelena #GeneralElection2017 #GetRegistered #YourFutureYourResponsibility
4 April 2017