18 April 2017
The Register of Electors for St Helena is currently being updated. The public is reminded that applications to amend the current Register must be submitted to the Registration Officer, Gillian Francis, by no later than 4pm on Wednesday, 26 April 2017.
Whilst this is an annual process, members of the public are reminded that this year’s Register will be used for the General Election that will take place in July 2017.
Eligible persons are therefore encouraged to add their names or amend any details in the current Register, dated 1 July 2016.
Currently, persons eligible to be registered must:
- Be over the age of 18 years with St Helena as their ordinary place of residence
- Have St Helenian status or be the spouse or life partner of a person who has such status
There are some exceptions, such as mental incapacity or if someone is serving a prison sentence of 12 months or more.
Application forms are available from Assistant Registration Officers and also on the SHG website: https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/forms/
Further information about registering and making amendments may be obtained from Registration Officer, Gillian Francis, via e-mail: gillian.francis@sainthelena.gov.sh or Assistant Registration Officers, Carol George via e-mail: carol.george@sainthelena.gov.sh and Anita Legg via e-mail: sec.em@helanta.co.sh.
Remember, if your name is not on the Register of Electors you will not be able to stand or vote in the upcoming General Election.
#StHelena #GeneralElection2017 #GetRegistered #YourFutureYourResponsibility
18 April 2017