1 August 2017
The St Helena Police Directorate has today launched a Trust & Confidence survey.
The survey consists of four headed themes and related questions. The themes are:
- Effectiveness in Crime Prevention & Protection
- Community Commitment/Engagement
- Personal Treatment
- Anti-Social Behaviour
Acting Chief Inspector Jonathan Thomas said:
“We are using this survey to measure the public’s trust & confidence in the Police Service.
“Results from the last two surveys we conducted show that a significant percentage of the community did not come into contact with the Police. Therefore, in this survey, even if you have not had any experience with the Police, you are encouraged to give your view of what you might expect that experience to be like.”
The survey can be completed online at the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/V73WJ3L
Alternatively, hard copies will also be made available at the Customer Service Centre in Jamestown and from outlets in various districts.
St Helena Police welcome any feedback on how they can improve the service they provide. Please comment on the survey or contact them on Tel: 22350 or via e-mail: trust.confidence@sainthelena.gov.sh
#StHelena #StHelenaPolice #TrustandConfidence #CommunityPolicing
1 August 2017