St Helena Police have been consulting with communities across the Island as part of their Neighbourhood Policing programme. A series of meetings and surgeries were attended, and a range of subjects discussed.

Concerns raised in various districts include:


Concerns have been raised about vehicles speeding on the road in front of Longwood Supermarket

The Police have shown high visibility presence in this area and patrols are ongoing. Road Safety Policing is in place and any anti-social use of Island roads is being targeted. Drivers are reminded that they will be stopped and dealt with if they continue to drive in an anti-social manner. The request for speed bumps has been    forwarded onto the Highways Authority and the Police are awaiting a response.

The pathways at the Dungeon Cemetery are covered in moss and it has become a safety concern to those who visit. Also, the waste disposal bins need emptying from time to time

Enquiries have been made to the Customer Service Centre who are responsible for the care of the cemeteries and Police are awaiting a response regarding the safety concern.

Waste Management Services have been informed about the emptying of the bins and they have said that they will ensure that the bins are emptied. They have also said it would be helpful if people would refrain from moving the bins to different locations within the cemetery.

The trees along Longwood Avenue need trimming because of overhanging branches. Protruding roots also make the area look untidy

Police have spoken to ANRD who has advised that a site visit will be undertaken to assess the issue.


Concerns have again been raised about speeding in the area of the Flag. The community have again suggested that speed bumps would help the situation

When this was put forward from a previous concern within this area, Police were told that funding was not available. Police have again forwarded this onto the Highways Authority and are awaiting a response. Police officers have been carrying out high visibility policing in these areas as part of their Road Safety Plan.

At certain areas at Alarm Hill and Hutt’s Gate there is no indication where the roads’ edge has ended. Could safety railings be placed on the roadsides as a safety measure for drivers

Police officers have visited these areas and the request has been forwarded onto the Highways Authority. The Roads Section have also been notified and a site visit will take place shortly to ascertain what measures can be put in place to eliminate the risk.

Residents asked if a public telephone could be placed between Hutt’s Gate and Levelwood as not all persons own a mobile phone and it is not always possible to rely on the kindness of neighbours, especially at an inconvenient hour

The Police have spoken to SURE South Atlantic Ltd who have said that at this time they do not have any immediate intentions of providing an additional payphone within the location identified.

Near the area of Bates the railings that are on the bend are no longer visible due to the overgrown vegetation

Concerns have been forwarded onto the Highways Authority and Police are awaiting a response. A site visit has been arranged where an assessment will be conducted to ascertain what measures can be put in place to eliminate the risk and danger.

Alarm Forest

There are concerns of speeding in this area

Speeding is a concern throughout the Island. Officers have been carrying out high visibility patrols as part of their Road Safety Plan. Anti-social use of Island roads are being targeted.

Concerns have been raised around littering in the Alarm Forest area

Officers have checked the areas concerned and have not seen anyone littering as of yet. Members of the public are invited to report anyone seen littering so that positive action can be taken.

Waste Management Services have also reported that their team are doing roadside litter picking.

#StHelena #StHelenaPolice #NeighbourhoodPolicing #YouSaidWeDid

13 September 2017

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470