17 February 2017 | Comments
St Helena Police have been consulting with communities across the Island as part of their new Neighbourhood Policing programme. A series of meetings and surgeries were well attended, and a vast range of subjects discussed.
Below are some of the concerns raised in the various districts and the actions taken:
Team 1 – Ladder Hill, Half Tree Hollow, St Paul’s & Blue Hill
- Neighbours complained of loud music from licensed premises
The team spoke to the owner who has agreed to reduce the volume of the music. Concerned neighbours were informed by Police to make a further report if the loud music continues
- Dangerous bend and vehicles speeding in residential area
The team approached the Roads Section with recommendations for new road signs. The concerned area is being monitored by Police and several drivers have been stopped and breath tested for suspected moving traffic offences
- Increase in industrial traffic on narrow road
Police investigated passing bays and widening of the concerned road and requested that the road verge be cleaned and cleared
- A vulnerable person’s right-of-way to their residence obstructed
The area has been defined with the necessary signage by the Roads Section
Team 1 can be contacted via telephone: 25301, and leaving a message, or by e-mail: Team1@police.gov.sh
Team 2 – Alarm Forest, Longwood, Levelwood & Sandy Bay
- Antisocial driving
The team is currently monitoring hotspots with the intention of a speed campaign once the necessary legislation is in place to enforce the law
Team 2 can be contacted via telephone: 25302, and leaving a message, or by e-mail: Team2@police.gov.sh
Team 3 – Jamestown, Rupert’s, Briars & Sea View
- Noisy vehicles in Jamestown
If such a vehicle comes to the attention of officers, it will dealt with at the time, however, if members of the public inform the Police Station of the registration number, this will also be handled accordingly
- Certain vehicles are parked all over the place
These vehicles are currently being checked for licence and insurance and the owner/ driver will be dealt with accordingly, however, if their documents are up-to-date, they cannot be stopped from parking legally
- The need for street lights from the Briars to New Bridge
Emails have been sent to the relevant department and the Police will continue to follow up
- Insufficient parking spaces in Jamestown
This is an ongoing issue. A review of parking in Jamestown is underway and being led by the Environmental & Natural Resources Directorate.
- People parking on double yellow lines
Patrols were carried out and offenders were moved on to ensure traffic was able to flow freely
Team 3 can be contacted via telephone: 25300, and leaving a message, or by e-mail: Team3@police.gov.sh
17 February 2017