27 April 2017
The below was issued by the Ascension Island Government on Thursday, 27 April 2017:
Dear All,
Following the rerouting of the Airbridge last week, we appreciate that there is considerable anxiety on island.
We are working incredibly hard with MOD and the Foreign Office to find a solution to the current access issues as soon as we can, with the Administrator, Marc Holland, working from the UK as part of those discussions.
Ministers are being kept up to date with the issues and the potential solutions, and we are in discussions with local organisations to find solutions taking account of essential passenger movements, and the needs of vital public services.
The Royal Mail Ship (RMS) will continue to provide access to the island and is scheduled to run until February 2018 on its normal schedule. The next RMS is scheduled to leave the dry dock on 3 May. However, this service is fully booked, and affected employees should contact their employers about their transport arrangements.
The tender process is underway to provide an airlink to St Helena in the very near future including a minimum of a monthly flight to Ascension. The FIRS cargo service remains unaffected and will continue to operate as normal.
We are working with the MOD to find an interim option to allow the movement of personnel both to and from Ascension. However it is likely that these interim measures will allow only the transportation of essential personnel and goods.
Until further notice, we suggest you work with your employer to re-route via St Helena on the RMS and approach your travel insurance regarding any financial losses incurred.
If you have any concerns please contact aigenquiries@ascension.gov.ac in the first instance. For commercial passengers please contact Ascension Island Flight Bookings on flight.bookings@ascension.gov.ac
Ascension Island Government
Administrator’s Office
Ascension Island
27 April 2017