18 April 2016 | Comments
The Primary Sector will be hosting their annual Athletics Day on Wednesday 20 April 2016. The sports will start at 10am and end at approximately 2.30pm. All parents, guardians and members of the public are invited to attend.
As this is a school event the Primary Sector would appreciate if all spectators could observe the following conditions in the interests of the safety of all schoolchildren:
- No animals will be allowed on Francis Plain for this event
- Only the appointed marshalls, helpers, invited guests and School Team Leaders will be allowed on the field for the duration of the event
- Only school appointed photographers will be allowed on the field to photograph the event
- No alcohol is allowed
- Smoking is restricted to the designated smoking area – the green shed next to the Pavilion
- All litter is placed into the bins provided
Please note if parents/guardians wish to transport their children home after the event they are asked to ensure that they make teachers aware of this on the day so that all children can be accounted for.
The Education Directorate look forward to your support in making this a successful day for our children.
18 April 2016