17 March 2016 | Comments
The proposed new Port Authority will hold a public meeting at 17.00hrs on Wednesday 23 March 2016 at the Canister in Jamestown, to discuss changes in legislation – consolidating the existing Harbours Ordinance and Port Security Ordinance into one single piece of legislation – namely the new Ports Ordinance.
Within the new proposed Ordinance, there will be a total of 5 changes:
- 2 minor changes in wording, contained in Section 4 – Power to Declare Ports and Section 8 (4) – Directions to Vessels in Harbour Waters
- 2 new offences created, under Section 16 – Damage to Port Area and Section 35 – Obstructing Harbourmaster in Execution of Duty
- 1 new power, under Section 33 – Power Of Arrest Without Warrant
Apart from the above changes, the new Ordinance will mirror existing legislation in the Harbours Ordinance & Port Security Ordinance.
As part of the consultation process, members of the public are welcome to attend.
Both Ordinances can be found on the SHG website at:
17 March 2016