23 June 2015
A team led by the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MOD) is currently on St Helena to remove remaining fuel oil from the wreck of the RFA Darkdale in James’ Bay (see press release of 14 April 2015).
During this marine and environmental operation there will be certain restrictions in place at particular times, which will be announced. There will be:
- No diving allowed on or adjacent to the Darkdale wreck
- No swimming allowed immediately around the Darkdale
- No boats allowed within a 200m zone surrounding the wreck
- No swimming or diving in James’ Bay at periods when shells are being recovered.
The application of these restrictions will be announced once the timing of operations is confirmed. The public is kindly asked to adhere to these limitations, both for their own and the team’s safety.
The first of three vessels to be used in these operations is scheduled to arrive on Tuesday 30 June 2015, with exploratory dives taking place shortly after.
Further information will be provided shortly.
23 June 2015