Basil Read has published its Annual Environmental Report (AER) 2013-14 on the St Helena Airport Project.  This report provides an overview of the environmental performance of the Airport contractor, over the reporting period 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014.

Performance is monitored against a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), grouped under the following headings:

  • Legal Compliance
  • Environmental Structures
  • Environmental Systems, and
  • Environmental Performance (Social and Biophysical)

Of the 30 KPIs, 17 (57%) indicators have been fully attained. Nine are unachieved, three have been partially met and there is one indicator (hectares rehabilitated) that is not applicable, as planting plans had not been developed at that time.

Overall there has been significant progress since last year, with improved performance against seven indicators, with thirteen remaining positive. However, performance against five indicators had dropped. These include:

  • More than four complaints received on average per month (against a target of three or less) with five of them serious (against a target of nil)
  • Four incidents of drunk driving (against a target of nil incidents of anti-social behaviour and crime)
  • Two level-three incidents relating to biosecurity and rare and endangered species respectively (against targets of no level-three incidents) and
  • The annual number of days that dust limits can be exceeded was breached (during the short period that rock crushing took place on Pipe Ridge).

The AER also presents information relating to the following aspects of the project:

  • Environmental governance structures
  • Progress in building relationships with our stakeholders
  • Overview of studies undertaken during the year, with a report-back on the outcomes of studies described last year
  • Environmental monitoring activities
  • Targets and challenges for the 2014-15 reporting period

The AER is available online at: as well in hard copy from the Public Library and the Access Office.

Halcrow will present an overview of the AER to interested parties at the Stakeholder Engagement Forum on Thursday 16 April at 7pm at the Canister, Jamestown. 

Further information can be obtained from Robert Kleinjan of Halcrow via email or on tel: 24258


14 April 2015


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