21 August 2014 | Comments
The Public Library in Jamestown hosted its annual Reading Awareness Day on Thursday 14 August 2014.
The goal of the day is to encourage and promote reading – the public and all primary and secondary age children were welcome to attend. Activities included storytelling, word searches, quizzes, a treasure hunt, craft sessions based upon childrens’ favourite book characters, and a talk on St Helena insects by Lisa Fowler from the National Trust.
Librarian Jill Young commented:
“The day went really well and many children attended with their parents. We also had Brenda Moors and Jean Corker helping with reading stories to children.”
Children were very engaged and happy doing various activities. Some created clocks based upon the rhyme ‘Hickory Dickory Dock’ and images about the ‘Ugly Duckling’ story. Children read aloud, and silently. The older children were busy creating a wallboard display on Enid Blyton, celebrating her birthday on 11 August. Other activities included analysis of Enid Blyton stories, and colouring printed pictures from her books.
Librarian Lacosta McDaniel added:
“We hope that this display will be seen by all visitors who come into the library, and that it reinforces the importance of reading.”
The day reminded all of the power of reading. With reading you can gain endless knowledge, and staff at the Library encourages parents, guardians, children and teachers to use all the resources that
are available there.
Three photos are attached.
15 August 2014