10 March 2014 | Comments

The St Helena Audit Service is to welcome a new Chief Auditor. Phil Sharman (photo attached), accompanied by his wife Sarah-Jane, will take up his three year term in mid-June this year.
Phil is no stranger to the Island having headed up the Audit function for St Helena between 1990 and 1994.
Governor Capes said on Phil’s appointment:
“I much look forward to welcoming Phil and Sarah-Jane to St Helena in June. Phil has impressive skills and experience to bring to the important role of Chief Auditor and of course he also knows St Helena well from his service here in the early 1990s.”
Since leaving St Helena Phil has held similar positions in the UK and overseas, including the Turks and Caicos Islands and New Zealand. He is currently the Director of Audit for NHS Wales.
Phil said:
“I’m honoured to be able to return to St Helena to serve as Chief Auditor. It will be fascinating to see the changes in the Island’s development over the past 20 years and to be there when the new Airport opens. We’re really looking forward to meeting up again with colleagues and friends on St Helena.”
10 March 2014