Paul McGinnety, former Interim Director of the Environment & Natural Resources Directorate (photo attached), has today been appointed to the new post of Assistant Chief Secretary, Performance.  This post replaces that of Director of Strategic Policy and Planning, vacated by Susan O’Bey in February 2014.

The post of Assistant Chief Secretary will be vital in supporting SHG in delivering its short, medium and long term strategic goals as the Island enters a defining period in her long and proud history.

To ensure that Government becomes more effective and efficient, the Assistant Chief Secretary will have a strong corporate policy and planning focus, will implement improvements across SHG and build strong relationships between SHG and DfID, ESH, the private sector and civil society.

Commenting on his appointment, Paul McGinnety said:

“It is clear to me that SHG needs to continue to modernise, maximise the impact of all available resources and tightly focus on delivery of our key objectives, while ensuring we protect vulnerable groups.

“It’s vital as the Island moves forward that we achieve sustainable economic, environmental and social improvements, particularly at this time of change. I’m looking forward to leading on this important area of our work, partnering with all our key stakeholders, including the public.”


22 April 2014


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