2 December 2014 | Comments
A regular census is taken on Island to determine animal numbers. Previously the census was carried out every three years, but will now be conducted every two years.
All persons on Island owning or caring for cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, donkeys, poultry, bees, dogs and cats – must (by law) fill in an animal return form.
In the first half of this month (December 2014), enumerators will deliver forms to every household that requires one. The form should be completed in respect of animals owned or kept on Sunday 14 December. Forms should be ready for collection by Sunday 21 December 2014. Failure to provide a return could result in a fine on conviction of up to £100 for every day the form is overdue.
Senior Veterinarian, Joe Hollins said:
“The three yearly census of animals on the Island is now being conducted every two years to give SHG a better, more current picture of animal ownership and production.
“These figures are vital in helping SHG develop and assess its policies towards livestock and domestic pets. The numbers provide vital feedback on strategies such as pet neutering and projects to increase agricultural production – all for the betterment of the community as a whole.
“We thank you in advance for your cooperation, without which the statistics would be of little use.”
Each form is numbered and a draw will be held for all completed forms, with a first prize of £50 and a second prize of £25.
For further information on the animal census, please call the Livestock Section at ANRD on telephone number 24724.
Two pictures are attached to this release.
2 December 2014