The following is a public announcement from Waste Management Services:

 Horse Point Landfill Site (HPLS) facilitates the disposal of hazardous wastes which is carefully managed on site to prevent negative impacts on human health and/or the environment. This is only possible if hazardous waste is delivered to the site in a safe manner.

Hazardous Waste will only be accepted at Horse Point Landfill Site by prior arrangement with Landfill Manager, Patrick Crowie, on tel: 23655 or by email: landfill.manager@helanta.co.sh.

The correct procedure to ensure acceptance of hazardous waste at HPLS is as follows:

Solid or powdered hazardous waste: wrapped and sealed, then wrapped and sealed a second time with the outer wrapping labelled with the name of the waste and marked as ‘HAZARDOUS’.

Asbestos: must be double wrapped and sealed in heavy duty plastic and marked as asbestos and ‘HAZARDOUS’.

Liquid hazardous waste: sealed in an appropriate container, labelled with the name of the waste and marked as ‘HAZARDOUS’.

For all hazardous wastes, a copy of the Material Safety Data Sheet must be supplied with the waste, and submitted to the Landfill Site staff upon arrival at HPLS or by emailing the Landfill Manager in advance of the hazardous waste delivery.

Vehicle batteries, small amounts of waste oil (including cooking oil) and paint: can be safely disposed into the appropriate containers within the Public Recycling Facility without prior arrangement with the Landfill Manager. For the disposal of larger quantities of waste oils and paints, please contact the Landfill Manager.

The public are advised that all deliveries of hazardous waste to HPLS must be in line with the above procedures. Failure to adhere to these procedures may result in the hazardous waste being refused disposal.

Any hazardous waste spills on site must be reported to Landfill Staff immediately.

The public is thanked for their co-operation.

Guidance for the safe disposal of hazardous waste can be found on the SHG Website via: https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/horse-point-landfill-site.

10 September 2018


St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470
Email: communications@sainthelena.gov.sh