eco-bin-for-glass-wasteNew Olympic Litter Bins on Island

Waste Management Services (WMS), in partnership with Amberol, a UK-based manufacturing company, has redesigned the Olympic Street Litter Bins for St Helena.

The new design includes a retractable hinged flap on the general waste bin to prevent scavenging Mynah Birds and other pests feeding from the bin.

These new bins will be located in Jamestown, to provide visual consistency throughout the town, with the existing Olympic bins being relocated to key locations on the Island including Longwood Avenue and Ladder Hill.

Olympic Bins, whilst more pleasing to the eye than wheelie bins, can be used to dispose of general waste, glass (for recycling) and cigarette butts – following the signage indicated on the bins (see photos attached).

Waste Glass Recycling

Waste Glass Recycling has been re-introduced on St Helena. A private sector business, in voluntary partnership with SHG, is collecting waste glass and crushing olympic-bin-cigarette-buttsit at Horse Point Landfill Site for use in construction – and, of course, to support recycling.

Red wheelie bins are located at most bars, restaurants and key social points across the Island for the disposal of glass waste. The existing and new Olympic Street Litter Bins can also be used for glass disposal.

To improve glass recycling, Waste Management Services will be exchanging some red wheelie bins at bars and restaurants for new Eco Glass Waste Bins (see photos attached). The public is requested to only dispose of glass waste in eco or red wheelie bins – as the separation of other wastes such as plastic bottles, cans and cigarette packets before crushing creates an unnecessary process.

Since commencement of this partnership arrangement, the reduction of glass waste going into the landfill has been significant. Members of the public who wish to dispose of larger quantities of glass waste for recycling or would like more information are invited to contact Mr Chris Bargo on telephone number 23163, after 5pm.

Roadside Litter Picks

olympic-bin-general-wasteWaste Management Services has commenced roadside litter picks during the normal domestic and commercial waste collections. The public is advised that when the Refuse Collection Vehicle (RCV) is stationary or travelling slowly on a road, then roadside litter picks are likely to be in operation, with WMS operators walking along the roadside picking up litter. Whilst this new service benefits the environment, the public is requested to please dispose of their litter in bins or take it home and not dispose of litter along the roadside.

Wheelie Bins (Domestic & Commercial Waste)

To ensure maximum benefit from the waste collection service, residents are reminded of the following:

  • To ensure that waste is ready by 6am on the day of collection. Late placement of wheelie bins may result in waste not being collected


  • To only dispose of normal domestic waste in wheelie bins. Wheelie bins found to contain unacceptable or hazardous waste may not be emptied. Unacceptable waste includes (but is not limited to) garden waste, construction waste, wood, electrical appliances, scrap metal and any bulky waste. Hazardous waste includes (but is not limited to) vehicle batteries, motor oil, lubricants, paints, solvents and other chemicals


  • To ensure cardboard boxes are flat-packed prior to disposal in or next to their wheelie bin. For a greener alternative, the Public Recycling Facility at Horse Point Landfill Site accepts cardboard waste for recycling


  • To ensure bins are sanitised between collections to prevent infestation by maggots and flies. This is not applicable to communal waste bins which Waste Management Services will continue to sanitise


  • Any resident, whose domestic waste is ordinarily collected from outside of their home and who does not benefit from shared use of a communal wheelie bin, is invited to request a wheelie bin. Requests can be made by contacting; Environmental Risk Manager, Mike Durnford on telephone 24724 or e-mail: mike-durnford@enrd.gov.sh Bins must be collected from Horse Point Landfill Site.


Free Bulky Waste Collection Service

This service was suspended in 2016 following the reduced availability of waste management vehicles. The service will resume in 2017 when the full fleet of waste management vehicles becomes available. Customers are encouraged to use their own vehicles or private sector services for the disposal of any bulky waste at Horse Point Landfill Site, until the Free Bulky Waste Collection Service resumes.


  • Domestic & Commercial Waste Collection will not be disrupted. All domestic and commercial waste collection services throughout December and January will remain unchanged. Waste Management Services will provide an additional commercial waste collection in Jamestown on the morning of Sunday 25 December 2016 and Sunday 1 January 2017.


  • Public Area Sanitation Service will not be disrupted. All public area sanitation services throughout December and January will remain unchanged. Waste Management Services will provide an additional public area sanitation service in Jamestown on the morning of Sunday 25 December 2016 and Sunday 1 January 2017.


  • Horse Point Landfill Site will remain open Monday to Sunday from 9am to 3pm, but will be closed on Public Holidays as normal. Horse Point Landfill Site will therefore be closed on Sunday 25 and Monday 26 December 2016 and Sunday 1 January 2017. The Public Recycling Facility at Horse Point can receive glass, scrap metal, wood, waste cooking and motor oil, tyres, cardboard, vehicle and domestic batteries, white goods, small electrical appliances, furniture, textiles and clothing.


For information relating to bulky or hazardous waste disposal at Horse Point Landfill Site, please contact Landfill Manager, Patrick Crowie, on telephone 23655 or e-mail: landfill.manager@helanta.co.sh

Waste Management Services are committed to working in partnership with residents for a cleaner and greener St Helena.


29 November 2016




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