St Helena is preparing for a Population & Housing Census on Sunday 7 February 2016. The Census will capture essential information on the pre-air access characteristics of the Island population. The information collected will be relied upon for many years to come to assist in the planning and development of services such as Health, Education and the provision of Housing – to meet the needs of the population both now and in the future.

Whilst the 2016 Census is targeted at those who are on-Island, the St Helenian population extends far beyond the Island itself. To allow for members of the overseas community to participate, a ‘St Helenians Overseas Survey’ is being timed to coincide with the Island Census.  All Saints who are not on St Helena on Census night are encouraged to participate – whether you are overseas temporarily or have established your life elsewhere. Whether overseas for work, holiday, medical attention or some other reason, the characteristics of the extended population are valuable additions to the information that will be collected about the Island itself.

Statistician and Census Supervisor, Paula McLeod, said:

St Helena needs to develop to meet the needs of people on the Island and also those who may be returning in the future. With the opening of the Airport, travel to and from St Helena will become much easier and more frequent. With improved travel options and economic opportunities, it is expected that many people who are currently living and working overseas will find it easier to return to establish their lives on the Island.

 “The Census will provide a comprehensive snapshot of the Island, but that is only half of the picture.  We also need to know about those Saints who are overseas, because they have as much interest in the Island’s development as those currently on St Helena. For these people to be properly represented in planning and decision making, we need to understand their data.”

The St Helenians Overseas Survey is for online completion and anyone who wishes to participate can register at:

 They will then be given a unique link to the Census which they can use for themselves and any other members of their immediate family group who are with them overseas. The survey itself will run from the Monday 1 February to Sunday 14 February, in line with the Island Census.


26 January 2016


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