Joanne Rawlings
Joanne Rawlings

Midwife, Joanne Rawlings (photo attached) has recently started her new role within the Health Directorate, (arriving on Island on 23 September 2014) where she will input into antenatal (before birth), intrapartum (onset of labour) and post-natal (after birth) services provided by the Hospital.

Joanne’s contract is for two years, and she predicts a busy time ahead with the arrival of many babies in the New Year.

Joanne highlighted that she anticipates many differences to her new role compared to her previous experiences.  She said:

“The isolation of the Island will be a big factor, in the case of an emergency.  In the UK you have Hospital midwives and community midwives and here they are combined.  However apart from this, babies are born the same anywhere, wherever you go, in any location the process is the same.”

Joanne is involved in the many processes which expectant mothers go through, from the first booking, through to antenatal classes and regular checkups.  She will also conduct on-the-job training with the local midwives on updating procedures.       

Joanne has been a qualified midwife for 13 years, and has worked in a busy unit in Leicester which delivers 5000 babies a year.


24 October 2014 


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