EXCO REPORT – Tuesday 15 March 2016

Executive Council met today, Tuesday 15 March 2016, to discuss four items on the Open Agenda.

The Governor welcomed everyone present.

The first item was an application to amend Development Permission at Broad Bottom Farm, Blue Hill, carried over from the previous ExCo meeting held on 1 March 2016.

Executive Council heard a presentation from the Chief Planning Officer.  Given that the application was requesting full Planning Permission, the decision was deferred for a further two weeks in order for certain details to be provided.

The second item was an application for full Development Permission for the upgrading and redevelopment of bay side infrastructure and the installation of a fire fighting water tank in Rupert’s Bay.  This decision was deferred pending a site visit.

For the next item Council  approved the revocation of the Governor’s Order of 1957 relating to the Duke of Edinburgh Recreation Grounds to enable ENRD to proceed with a Planning Application to repurpose this site as a car park. Council also approved the Public Recreation Ground (Revocation) Regulations, 2016, for publication. It should be noted that the intention is to use the upper part of this area as a car park.

Item four dealt with the Land and Building Disposal Policy 2016, which was approved by Council.  This policy is a revision of the 2012 policy to provide an improvement in the release of land, especially to first time house-builders.  The new policy also provides for house sites to be made available at affordable prices, and also makes provision for private and commercial development.  This policy was the subject of public consultation and will shortly be available on the SHG website.

This being Governor Capes final ExCo meeting, Members thanked him for his support during his time in office and wished him and his family well for the future.

The meeting closed at 12.45.



15 March 2016


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