On the Open Agenda, Council considered the Firearms (Forms) Regulations 2017. The Chief of Police was in attendance for this item.

This item related to forms used to apply for a new firearms licence or to renew an existing licence under the Firearms Ordinance.  In order to correct a procedural anomaly this matter was urgent.  After some discussion and on receiving assurances from the Chief of Police that personal health related data would be protected, and that staff in the Police Directorate would assist applicants to fill out the forms, Council approved the regulations with some minor amendments to the wording of the forms. Council also agreed with the Police Directorate to review these forms within a year. Further publicity about firearms licensing will follow shortly.

On the Closed Agenda, but worthy of mention in the ExCo report, Council, acting as the Planning Authority, considered further the applications made by Shelco for the development at Broad Bottom.  Council was clear that they are in support of the development but wanted to make sure that progress is made.  To that end, Council today extended the time limit for the commencement of work on the permission given in 2012, and approved the application made in 2015 with amendments, such as that it works with, and forms part of, the 2012 permission.

The meeting closed at 12.30pm.


9 February 2017




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