Bishops Bridge Refurbishment Contract Awarded

Following an open procurement exercise conducted in October 2022, SHG has entered into a contract with Ambledale Workshop Ltd of Nr Ladder Hill Rifle Range for the refurbishment of Bishops Bridge. These works will address the structural integrity of the bridge and associated health and safety issues. 

The total value of this contract is £32,258.29 (thirty two thousand, two hundred and fifty eight pounds, twenty nine pence).

Works will commence from Monday, 9January 2023, and are programmed to be completed by end of March 2023. 

During the period of works, Bishops Bridge will be closed to all vehicles and pedestrians. Diversion routes will be signposted. Further details will be provided by Ambledale Workshop Ltd. 

The project is being funded under the Economic Development Investment Programme (EDIP) Micro Projects. Executive Council previously agreed a number of smaller Micro Projects under EDIP, which can be implemented relatively quickly with a low total cost and which are not subject to detailed business cases.

The public will be kept informed of progress and are thanked for their understanding during this time.


5 January 2023

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470