10 May 2024
The public are advised that Port Control is currently experiencing limited staffing, and therefore all job requests will need to be prioritised. We anticipate an impact on the provision of lifting services at both Jamestown Wharf and Rupert’s Jetty.
All users are asked to submit requests for the lifting of vessels and other equipment at least 48 hours in advance. This will allow the port to plan accordingly.
Requests can be made by emailing Simon Wade at simonwade@helanta.co.sh or by calling the Port Control Office at 22750.
If urgent contact with Port Control is necessary for any reason, please contact the port on-call service at 61827 or via radio on VHF Channel 14.
For maritime emergencies or distress calls please contact Saint Helena Radio on VHF Channel 16 or call 999.
Port Control thanks all users in advance for their cooperation.