Fisheries Workshop – A Look into the Lives of Commonly Caught Species in St Helena

The Marine and Fisheries Conservation Section are hosting an educational fisheries workshop and are inviting the local fishing community to attend. The workshop will be held at Anne’s Place from 16:30 to 20:30 on Wednesday 10 July 2024.

The workshop will focus on understanding the diets, habitats, movements, life history, reproduction, and scientific research related to various marine species. Complimentary species information packets, lobster calipers, and tape measures will be available to attendees.

Presentations throughout the event will cover, baitfish, pelagics, semi-pelagics, groundfish, lobsters and billfish and sharks.

To register interest please contact the Marine Section by telephone on +290 25966 or via email through by Monday 08 July 2024.

#StHelena #FisheriesWorkshop

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470