8 November 2024
St Helena Government’s Waste Management Services (WMS) has provided an update on the ongoing situation at the Green Waste Cell at Horse Point Landfill Site.
A fire broke out in the Green Waste Cell on Tuesday 5 November 2024. Since then, teams have been working diligently to contain the fire and minimise its impact. In co-ordination with the Fire Service, a strategy has been implemented to extinguish the remaining smouldering areas. This involves moving large quantities of earth within the cell to smother the fire.
The Landfill Manager Patrick Crowie, in close collaboration with the Fire Service, will continue to monitor the Green Waste Cell for any potential escalation. Should the situation change, necessary adjustments will be made in consultation with the Fire Service.
Environmental Risk Management has informed neighbouring businesses about the situation and assured them that the fire is being managed effectively.
WMS would like to express their sincere gratitude to the Fire Service for their swift response and continued support in implementing the firefighting strategy. A word of thanks are also extended to the Roads Section for their assistance in addressing this issue.
Due to the situation being active, updates will be provided as the situation progresses.

A view of part of the area affected

View from the Met Weather Station

Smouldering being monitored at the Green Waste Cell
#StHelena #WasteManagementServices #FireService #RoadsSection