20 November 2023
White Ribbon Day is held annually on 25 November. On this day communities around the world get together to raise awareness of domestic violence. Ahead of White Ribbon Day we encourage everyone in St Helena to use your voice to ‘Change the Story by Standing Up and Speaking Out’ about all kinds of violence or abuse.
Domestic violence can take many forms, including emotional, sexual, physical and financial abuse as well as threats of abuse. It is a growing worldwide issue and St Helena is no exception. Many forms of domestic violence are actually crimes. This includes things such as assault, harassment, and criminal damage, and where you think this has taken place this should be reported to the police.
Domestic violence incidents affect every person within a home, everyone around them, as well as in our community. It can have long-lasting negative effects on victims’ emotional well-being. Violence impacts every part of us, whether that be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
White Ribbon Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of violence and abuse. By doing so, this can have a powerful effect in helping to change attitudes that support and continue abuse, building a safer place for all in the process. One way of showing support and raising awareness is by wearing a white ribbon on the day or dressing in white clothing.
When it comes to violence and abuse, it may seem like there is no way out. Walking away from violence and abuse is an incredibly brave act, even if it is a difficult thing to do. Remember there is always help and there is always a way out.
To report a case of domestic violence please call any of the following telephone numbers:
The Royal St Helena Police Service | 22626 |
Domestic Abuse Service Lead | 25343 |
Equality and Human Rights Commission | 22133 |
These partner agencies can offer help and support. All reports will be dealt with confidentially, and with compassion and understanding.
Let’s all work together to change the story by standing up and speaking out.
#WhiteRibbonDay #ChangeTheStory #StopDomesticViolence