19 April 2023
SHG is currently running a survey asking people what they think of the news, updates and communications provided by the government.
SHG regularly publishes communications on public services, projects, vacancies and Ministerial activities, amongst others things. We are running the survey to find out what you think of the information we put out and what it is you want to hear about from us.
By completing a survey form, either online or via hardcopy, you can tell us whether you receive SHG information, if so how you receive this information, and whether or not the information provided is understandable.
Results from the survey will help SHG improve the current service it provides so please let us know what you want to hear about, how you want to hear about it and when you think you should hear about it.
The survey is available online through https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SHNews_Multi.
Hard copies are available from the Post & Customer Services Centre, the Public Library, ANRD Reception, the Reception at the Castle, the waiting areas at Hospital Outpatients and the Dental Clinic, and from the Rural Sub Post Offices – MTB Town Shop; Andy’s Shop; Red Hill Shop; Phillip John’s Shop; New Ground Shop; All Sorts Shop; Marcus Fowler’s Shop; Blue Hill Shop; and Longwood Supermarket.
You can also complete an online copy of the survey at the Tourist Office at the Canister in Jamestown using their tablet. The Tourism Office is open 08:30 to 16:00 every day and Tourism staff will be happy to help.
#StHelena #Survey
19 April 2023