7 December 2023
The Smokefree St Helena team, along with the Mental Health team, will be running a ‘Healthier Me, Healthier You’ campaign in January 2024. ‘Healthier Me, Healthier You’ combines two important campaigns, ‘Dry January’ and ‘New Year, New You’. This campaign aims to encourage individuals to take achievable actions to being healthier in 2024. It will raise awareness on the harms of tobacco smoking and regular alcohol consumption, and make available support to those wanting to quit smoking or who are participating in ‘Dry January’.
It’s never too late to make positive changes, keeping yourself healthy is important in reducing the risks of chronic illnesses.
‘Dry January’ 2024
In 2022 a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) was conducted for St Helena. This identified that alcohol was regularly consumed above NHS recommendations and normalised through community events and social gatherings. Alcohol contributes to a large number chronic diseases and illness in our community. It is also responsible for a large number of social services and police work on St Helena.
There is no safe level of alcohol consumption but it is recommended by NHS Better Health to not consume more than 14 units per week. Sticking to these guide lines lowers your risk of harming your health.
‘Dry January’ is a public health initiative launched in 2013 by Alcohol Change UK. The idea is for anyone who feels they drink too much or too often to slow things down. It is also for anyone looking to start the year on a refreshed, healthier note. Participants challenge themselves to quit drinking alcohol for a period of 31 days. In 2023, an estimated 9 million people were planning to take part in the ‘Dry January’ challenge.
Reducing alcohol intake is one of the best things you can do for yourself. By taking control of alcohol, you can:
- Save money
- Improve health
- Improve memory
- Have more energy
- Sleep better
- Reduce anxiety
- Improve mood
- Have better relationships
Get support to help with alcohol reduction
Although ‘Dry January’ is safe for most people, it isn’t right for anyone who is alcohol dependent. If you are experiencing negative physical symptoms when you stop drinking, you should seek medical help urgently from a doctor or a member of the Mental Health team.
Our local Mental Health Service is the focal point for alcohol treatment. They offer different treatments based on your personal needs. Receiving this support gives you the best chance of reducing your alcohol intake.
If you would like more information about alcohol consumption and tips on cutting down, then please contact the Mental Health team or Health Promotion team using the below information:
- Telephone: 22500 Ext 2044 (Mental Health team)
Ext 2098 (Health Promotion team)
Alternatively visit www.alcoholchange.org.uk for more information.
If you are participating in the challenge, please inform the Health Promotion team so they can track your journey.
‘New Year, New You’
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and illness worldwide. In 2021, 22.2% of adults aged 18 and up on St Helena reported themselves as smokers.
‘New year, New you’ focuses on supporting smokers whose New Year’s resolution is to quit smoking, to stay committed to their goals. Smokefree St Helena will be offering Behavioural Change Support (BCS) and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to help support anyone who wants to make the change this New Year.
Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health, and it gives you the most out of your favourite activities. You’ll also experience benefits such as:
- Your sense of taste will increase and you will enjoy the taste of food more
- Your breathing and general fitness will improve
- The appearance of your skin and teeth will improve
- Your fertility levels will improve, along with your chances of having a healthy pregnancy and baby
- You’ll experience less stress and lower anxiety
- You will have better physical performance, more endurance and better overall health
You can get free support to quit from Smokefree St Helena to help you quit smoking. When using BCS and NRT as a combination you are three times more likely to quit and stay quit.
If you are interested in stopping smoking with support from Smokefree St Helena, or if you would like more information about the service then contact them using the below information:
- E-mail: smokefree@sainthelena.gov.sh
- Telephone: 25863
#StHelena #SmokeFreeStHelena #DryJanuary
7 December 2023