Invitation to NCA Management Planning Stakeholder Consultation Workshops

St Helena Government (SHG) and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) are pleased to invite you to participate in a half-day workshop on St Helena’s National Conservation Areas (NCAs), as part of the Darwin Plus Project ‘Sustainable management planning for St Helena’s National Conservation Areas’.

SHG, the (JNCC), and SAERI (Falklands) Limited (SFL) are working in partnership to develop sustainable-use Management Plans for St Helena’s 13 nature NCAs.  These are the National Parks of Sandy Bay, The Barn and Stone Top, Millennium Forest, High Hill, Deep Valley Islands, Prosperous Bay Plain and Heart Shaped Waterfall Nature Reserves, and the Man & Horse, Broad Bottom, Deadwood Plain, Bottom Woods and Upper Prosperous important Wirebird areas.

The workshop is intended for all NCA stakeholders, and will mark the first of the project’s engagement activities.  

Topics covered during the workshop will include:

  • Project Overview and Workshop Objectives
  • Ensuring Effective Engagement
  • Management Plans – Format and Content
  • Data Identification
  • Next Steps.

Dates and Venue: Two workshops will be held at the following venues and times. Invitees are encouraged to join whichever workshop is most convenient to them.

Tuesday, 25 October 2022Harford Community Centre9am – 1.30pm
Wednesday, 26 October 2022Blue Hill Community Centre9am – 1.30pm

The project partners recognise the importance of these areas to the people of St Helena.  It is therefore planned that the workshops will be interactive with opportunities for participants to learn about the project, while also providing feedback on the future direction of the management planning process.  The workshops will include break-out working group sessions. Tea/coffee and lunch will be provided for all participants.

If you are not able to attend a workshop a further community information session will also be held at:

Wednesday, 26 October 2022Kingshurst Community Centre7pm – 8.30pm

For further information and/or to confirm attendance, please contact Isabel Peters via email:

20 October 2022

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470