COVID-19 Vaccination Programme- Prioritisation Process

The Health Services Directorate has been offering COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics in 2022 and will continue to do so.  The administration of COVID-19 vaccines currently in stock will be prioritised to the following people via Vaccination Clinics before August 2022: 

Group 1Individuals  who have not received a first or second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine Long-term care facility residents and staff, Prison residents and staff
Group 2Individuals  considered at increased risk (persons on this list will be contacted directly by Health staff)
Group 3People aged 75 and older
Group 4Remainder of the eligible population (Notification of these clinics will be given in due course. They will be arranged by age group: 65+. 55+. 45+, etc.)

The first two doses of the vaccine provide protection against severe illness from COVID-19, therefore it is a priority to ensure that any individuals who have previously opted not to be vaccinated, can now have the option to receive their first and second doses.

Booster doses offer an added amount of protection to that of the first two doses, however these will only be rolled out once the Health Services Directorate is satisfied that they have reached those who are eligible and consenting to receive their first and second dose. 

The Health Services Directorate will continue to provide Booster doses to eligible individuals once more stocks of vaccine arrive on-island.  Vaccination clinics, dates and times will be communicated via the local media in due course.

27 June 2022

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470